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Product details
  • Hengshi Diamond Tools: A Trusted Name For over 30 years, it has been a global leader in diamond tool manufacturing. When you buy this blade or any other masonry tool from Hengshi Tools, you are buying it directly from the factory.
    Professional sales team: Ruiyou Tools has a professional sales team who will recommend products according to your cutting conditions. Professional packaging: Focus on sales and production for 30 years, have a professional packaging team, customize product packaging according to the needs of each customer, so that each customer can get satisfactory service.
    Good quality and good performance for your needs: This segmented circular saw blade performs better and lasts longer than other diamond saw blades. Whether you are a construction worker, plumber, stone installer, roofer, DIY enthusiast or working in a home studio, this cutting tool is the perfect cutting tool for you.

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Hubei Chengze Diamod Products Co., Ltd.

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Audited supplier
2 year
Address: Ezhou, China

Main Product: granite saw blade , marble saw blade, quarz saw blade, multi segment, concrete saw blade, grinding wheels

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