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Painless ipl hair removal machine use at home1

10 month ago
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Product Description
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IPL hair removal machine
Above 510um
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1. Can I get a sample before order in bulk?
A: Yes, Sample in stock are available.
2.How can I pay for the samples? Delivery time?
A: Paypal & W.U. T/T, Just choose what is easy for you.We have samples always in stock, we can make delivery in 1-3 working days
by DHL/UPS/TNT etc. Normally will be your office within 3-5 working days.
3. Are you factory? Can you manufacture the beauty device as I wish?
A: Yes, We are the source factory with our own R&D team. Under ISO9001 system, offer OEM & ODM are available.
4. What is the delivery time of OEM orders?
A: 15-25 working days upon order details confirmed.
5. Is there any Chinese words in your package? How can I put my logo on product & package?
A: We make sure 100% in English version. Yes, we can silk printing or gold stamping there, just contact us for more details.
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Foshan Liqia Hardware Products Co., Ltd.

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Audited supplier
10 month
Address: Foshan, China
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