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Professional vapozone facial steamer inoic nano deep cleaning spa beauty face steaming device1

10 month ago
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Product details

One-click Intelligent Operation Deep Cleaning Facial Steamer

Vapozone Facial Steamer Device is a full-featured steam face instrument.Vapozone Facial Steamer Device can provide hot and cold sprays according to the user's needs to meet different facial care needs. Cold spray can effectively close pores, soothe skin and reduce skin sensitivity. Thermal spray can open pores, improve blood circulation, help skin better absorb skin care products. Users can easily switch between hot and cold spray modes through one-click intelligent operation, which is convenient and fast.We are professional manfacturer of Beauty Instrument,Beauty Bar And Gua Sha,Eye Massage and Mole Remover Pen.

Product Name One-click Intelligent Operation Deep Cleaning Facial Steamer
Water tank capacity
70  ml
Steam duration
12 minutes
0.4 KG

Vapozone Facial Steamer Device

In addition,Inoic Nano Facial Steamer Device also has nano spray function. Nano-spray technology can break water molecules into tiny particles that penetrate deeper into the skin more easily, providing better moisturizing effects. This delicate spray can effectively moisturize the skin and relieve dryness and tightness. The machine is equipped with a 70ml tank capacity, which provides an adequate water supply continuously without the need for frequent water additions. In this way, users can enjoy steaming face care for longer without worrying about insufficient tank capacity. At the same time,Inoic Nano Facial Steamer Device also has a safe power off function, when the water level of the water tank is too low, the machine will automatically power off to ensure the safety of the use process.

Inoic Nano Facial Steamer Device
Full-featured Nano Facial Steamer is also equipped with digital temperature control function. Users can adjust the temperature of the steam machine according to their own needs to achieve the best comfort and results. Digital temperature control can ensure the accuracy and stability of the temperature to avoid discomfort or damage to the skin due to too high or too low temperature.

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Foshan Liqia Hardware Products Co., Ltd.

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Audited supplier
10 month
Address: Foshan, China
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