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FDQ-XV31 Optical Fiber Amplifier

3 year ago
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Product details

Eight-Digit Digital Display FDQ-XV31 Optical Fibre Amplifier (Optical Fibre Sensor)

1. High accuracy, high resolution and reliable performance

2.Response frequency up to 5kHz

3. Easy to operate, powerful, 4 detective modes

At present, the main products are: safety light curtain, photoelectric switch series, proximity switch series, optical fiber sensor series, ultrasonic sensor, intelligent sensor, displacement sensor, gas pressure sensor, etc. Look forward to your cooperation!



Light Source (Luminous Wavelength)

Red 4-Element Light Emitting Diode(625nm)

Power Supply Voltage

12 to 24V DC±10%

Current Consumption

40mA max

Power Consumption

480mW max.

Control Output

Open Collector: DC26.4V max; Load current: 100mA max; Residual Voltage: 1V max

Response Time

P-1: 200μs, P-2: 400μs, P-3: 1.6ms, P-4: 6.4ms

Time Delay Function

Disconnect delay timer/ Turn on delay timer/ single timer/ Turn on delay timer/ Turn on delay single timer, Optional;

Timer standby time is selectable: 0.1ms to 9999ms

Sensing Method

Light intensity(Can be proceed to area Sensing, Can provide automatic sensitive tracking function)

Display Indicator

Operation Indicator: Red light-emitting diode/ Dual digital monitor: Dual 7-digit display, Default Value (4-digit green Light Emitting Diode indicator)

Current value (4-digit red Light Emitting Diode indicator)Light up together

Current value range: 0 to 64512, Additional gain: 0P to 999P


Contact Now

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Shenzhen ShenWu Sensor Co.Ltd.

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Address: Shenzhen, China
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