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The lip balm contains vitamin E, which can lock moisture well and at the same time better moisturize and improve the brightness and color of the lips.The shelf life of lip balm is generally three years, but for the lip balm that has been opened and used, its actual shelf life should be within two years, and it should be used as soon as possible after opening. Our lip skin is also prone to become dry and skinny just like facial skin. At this time, we need to use a lip balm to care for our lip skin.

Lip balm can help dry lips. In autumn and winter, many people will use lip balm to protect their lips from moisture loss, causing dry lips and skin desquamation.

XQC offers Lipstick,Lip Glaze,Eye Shadow,Liquid Eye Liner,Foundation,Pressed Powder.Lip Balm also means,Lip Salve,Moisturizing Balm Rouge,Stay-On Balm Rouge,Moisturizing Balm Rouge

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Jilin Xiangqi Technology Co., Ltd

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Audited supplier
3 year
Address: Changchun, China

Main Product: Lipstick , Lip Glaze, Eye Shadow, Liquid Eye Liner, Foundation, Pressed Powder

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