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Steps to biting lip makeup

1. Bottom line

Primer is an important step to make a good-looking lip-biting makeup. First, apply a thin layer of lip balm or lip oil on the lips, then wipe off the excess lip oil with a cotton swab, and then apply more A moist concealer or liquid foundation covers the original lip color, so that the lips look more moisturized without making the lips too dry, and at the same time, it can hide the original lip color, and the makeup will be more obvious at that time ;

2. Coloring

Generally speaking, use a lipstick that suits your skin tone to apply lipstick to the middle of the upper and lower petals of the lips, and then add color to the center of the lip. If the beautiful eyebrows can't determine the position well, you can bite your lip in the mirror and apply the color according to the range of the bite. This is also possible. After applying it, the makeup may still be obvious. At this time, you can squeeze your lips and let the lower lip color naturally print on the upper lip, so that the lip color will be more natural and not too abrupt.

3. Set makeup

The last step is also the easiest. Just add a light lip balm to the lips to make the lips look more moisturized and shiny, and the biting makeup is complete!


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Jilin Xiangqi Technology Co., Ltd

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Audited supplier
3 year
Address: Changchun, China

Main Product: Lipstick , Lip Glaze, Eye Shadow, Liquid Eye Liner, Foundation, Pressed Powder

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