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metal keychain

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Keychain Love Hearts Shaped Charms For Promotional

Metal love key chain is a love for the design concept, metal key chain with zinc alloy, copper, stainless steel and other different metal materials as raw materials; The appearance design is simple and generous, the shape is the metal key chain of love, which is durable and wear-resistant, and the color can choose your favorite. The purchase of key chains can be selected offline, can also use the Internet for online shopping, and can also accept customized key chains. The love metal keychain has the meaning of love and warmth, and is widely loved by different groups such as lovers and public welfare organizations. This keychain can be paired with a variety of bags, or as an ornament; keep up with fashion. Love key chain is a simple and meaningful small gift, suitable for various occasions and people, can convey the positive energy of love and care, so that people feel warm and happy. The design of the heart shape symbolizes love and care, so this kind of key chain is also often used as a gift to express love and blessings to others.

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Shenzhen MingFengXing Art & Craft Products CO., LTD.

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6 year
Address: Shenzhen, China
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