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ASTM SA193-B7M Threaded Rod, high-strength

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Different types of high-strength bolts cater to varying performance demands across diverse connecting components and environments. Here are some examples:

  1. Pressure-Bearing High-Strength Bolts: These bolts are primarily utilized for connecting static or minimally sliding structural components, demanding high strength. They possess robust compressive strength and shear resistance.

  2. Friction High-Strength Bolts: These bolts find application in connecting brake systems and vital structures that endure dynamic loads, such as crane beams and solid web beams.

  3. High-Tensile Strength Studs: This category of high-strength studs must resist deformation, fracture, or breakage under intense tensile forces and prevent detachment. They are commonly employed for flange connections of pressure parts, such as American ASTM SA193-B7M high-strength studs.

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Audited supplier
2 year
Address: Wuxi, China
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