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Trailer Turntable can be used in full trailer, tractor, agri-machinery, such as volvo, scania and many brand of trailers.

Trailer Turntables are part for fitting onto trailers and agricultural vehichles to connect the A-frame to the trailer chassis so it can swivel.Their purpose is to transmit both the axial load, thrust and traction forces. None of their parts is susceptible to wear. Each turntable consists of two steel rings designed for flange mounting. The raceways are machined so as to ensure that the load transmission is favourable directed between the antifriction bearing steel balls that are fitted. An initial filling of grease protects the raceway system.Dsc 4268 04Dsc 4267 03Dsc 4264 05

Dsc 4255 03

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Handan City Rixin Auto Parts Co.,Ltd.

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Address: Handan, China
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