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Deep Well Submersible Pump

2 month ago
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Product details
Deep Well Multistage Submersible Pump is designed for conveying sewage media containing solid particles, especially for transporting iron oxide chips, sand, coal powder and other highly abrasive particles. It is particularly suitable for transporting mill scale water in the steel industry. It can also be used to deliver clean water and media with similar physical and chemical properties to water.

Applications include metallurgy, mining, chemical industry, papermaking, thermal power plants and sewage treatment and other industries.
Product Characteristics
1. Submersible pump impeller;
2. Vertical electric motor direct connection;
3. multi-section structure;
4. Space saving;
5. Easy maintenance
Technical Parameters
DN: 25~1000mm
Flow range(Q): 7.2~9400m³/h
Head: 13~90m
Customer can choose different sizes and configurations according to actual working condition.
Please feel free to contact us for any technical solution at any time.
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Sichuan Zhongying Industrial Pump Co., Ltd

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Audited supplier
4 month
Address: Zigong, China

Main Product: Vertical Slurry Pump , Horizontal Centrifugal Pump, End Suction Centrifrugal Pump, Centrifugal Pump Supplier, Chemical Pump, Horizontal Pump

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