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Flamingo/Flamingo Home plush decorative pillow

2 month ago
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Product information
Manufacturer: Yida, Shenzhen, China
Cleaning Method: It is recommended to wipe with a damp cloth
Baby name: Flamingos plush toy
Usage: After receiving the flamingos, please feel free to beat, let the big red stork round and fluffy.
Baby fabric: Polyester
Filling material :pp cotton
Baby size :28cmx23cmx22cm (without head);leg length: about 30cm

Flamingo/A flamingo stuffed animal
Great flamingos, also known as great flamingos, are the largest flamingos in the world, distributed more widely in Central Asia, Central Europe, the African continent, Central America have its gorgeous figure. There is a relatively rare population of red stork in western China, and in recent years, sporadic individual red stork has also appeared in central and eastern China, which may be caused by the migration of inexperienced young individuals. Because the stork mainly preys on small organisms in saltwater silt, it usually lives in shallow water marshes such as saltwater lakes and shallow marshes. Red storks like to live in clusters, most of the time its groups are often thousands of birds, if you look down on the plane overlooking the entire red stork group, you will find its birds like red clouds, diffuse in the green water, spectacular.
240509160409Plush Animal Toys, Throw Pillow, Brown rabbit, Cartoon Toy, Plush Toys, Plush Doll, Bear toy, Pendant
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Shenzhen Yida Toys Co. , Ltd.

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Audited supplier
2 year
Address: Shenzhen, China

Main Product: Plush Teddy Bear , Plush Mascot Toy, Plush bear Doll, Plush animal toys, Stuffed throw pillows, Custom plush toy

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