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FH-594C wood like handle stovetop induction kettle

4 week ago
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popular wood like handle stovetop induction capsulated kettle, The loud whistle guaranteed you can hear it from another room when the water is boiled. This whistling tea kettle with special pattern color is unlike any other on the market! Also, Food Grade approved kettle and BPA-Free. There are much more categories in our website, such as Crawfish stock pot, Stainless Steel Mixing Bowls,Stainless Steel Roasting Pan, stainless steel whistling tea kettle, Stainless Steel Comal, Coffee products series, Stock pot with basket,Outdoor gas burner. And there are more items are not showing on the website, please contact us directly for more information. Fungho Industries(Group)Co.,Ltd Tel:86-750-6785268 /Mobile phone:+86 138 2703 8161 Website:
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Jiangmen Fungho Group Co., Ltd

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Address: Jiangmen, China
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