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1-Bulk order for UN1106KL completed

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Product details
UnitronicPower UN11 Series Online High Frequency UPS is applied in IDC(Internet Data Center), Servers, Workstations, Control Systems, Communication Systems, offices, PCs, Networks, and so on.
The detailed information on UN1106KL is as below:
  1. The input power factor is≥0.99, and the input frequency range is within 40-70Hz;
  2. The THDi of Input is ≤5%(linear load); ≤8%(non-linear load);
  3. The output transfer time is Zero; It's truly online double-conversion technology;
  4. The overload capacity( Line Mode) is under the range: 102%-105% load, 30 min; 105%-125% load, 10 min; 125-150% load, 30s; >150% load, 500ms;
  5. The overload capacity (BatteryMode) is under the range: 102%-105% load, 10 min; 105%-125% load, 1 min; 125-150% load, 10s; >150% load, 500ms;
  6. With 3:1 crest ratio, 
  7. Contact Us to know more details;

The Efficiency of the UN11 Series Single Phase Online Tower UPS:
Model UN1106KS/ UN1106KL/ UN1110KS/ UN1110KL
Line Mode 95%
Battery Mode 94.5%
ECO Mode 98%

The Battery parameters of Our UN11 Series Tower Online UPS:
Model UN1106KS UN1106KL UN1110KS UN1110KL
Battery Sealed lead acid maintenance-free
Nominal Voltage 192Vdc/240Vdc
Battery Number 7Ah*16/20pcs External 9Ah*16/20pcs External
Charging Current 1A 1-12A settable 1A 1-12A settable

The Rear Panel:

 RS232;  Smart Slot;  Fan ;  USB;  Input breaker;  Maintenance breaker (optional); ⑦ Terminal block; ⑧ Output breaker (optional); ⑨ EPO; ⑩ Maint status; ⑪ Battery breaker (optional);Parallel port(optional)

The Delivery of this product:

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Shenzhen Unitronic Power System Co., Ltd

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Audited supplier
2 year
Address: Shenzhen, China

Main Product: Single Phase UPS , Three Phase UPS, Modular data center solutions, Solar inverter, PV and ESS solutions, Lithium Battery

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