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Product details

Meal Keep Fresh Multi-Layer Stackable Food Insulation Box

SY International (CN)Co.,Ltd was established in 2005 with a size of over 2000 square meters and 60pcs plastic injucetion molding machines .Our product lines mainly includ Various of plastic storage products, such as plastic kitchen container, bedroom storage box, bathroom containers ,cosmetic organizer, Office organizer, pet bowl ,pet toy ,pet leashes, ice cream container.... we can also accept OEM . we are located in Yiwi City , Zhejiang ,China (The largest commodity trading center) . near from Ningbo , Shanghai port , We also have branch office in Bangladesh and Pakistan . welcome to bring pictures for inquiries and long-term cooperation.

The storage box in our life is quite common, like bathroom storage series ,office storage box,cosmetic storage box.....and some small objects in the house can be placed in the storage box, so that our interior will not appear so messy, and the types of storage boxes are also more, plastic storage it is more like box,It plays a very important role in the family......

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Address: Jinhua, China
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