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Tie bar for Hydraulic Presses 05 (cover 01) - Ningbo Jinyi Precision

3 year ago
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Product details

Tie Bars for Hydraulic Presses


Our second factory, Ningbo Lichao Tiebar Precision Machinery Co., Ltd. is specialized in manufacturing nitriding and chrome plated tie bars together with matching guide rods, piston rods, nuts and other accessories for injection molding machine, die casting machine and forging machine.

Hydraulic presses are typically used for rubber molding, composite molding, lamination, forming, bonding and various other applications.

With a total of more than 100 machining equipment, such as CNC machinery, equipment specialized in polishing and grinding. The capability of manufacturing is up to diameters 600mm and length 10000mm. Meanwhile, a batch of advanced testing equipment, such as HRC tester, nitriding layer thickness tester, nitriding layer property tester, chrome gauge, which enable us testing microstructure, hardness, straightness, finish, thickness of nitriding layer and other tests.


Chrome plated tie bar

Material: 42CrMo, 40Cr, 1.7225, 1.7035, SCM440, SCr440, 4140, 5140

Available size: Diameter 50 - 600mm, length 1000 - 10000mm

Chromium plating layer thickness: 0.02 - 0.08mm

Surface hardness: above HRc55



Technical Parameters

Product Name : Tiebar or Tie Bar

Material: JYN3

Heat Treatment: Quench & Temper

Surface Treatment: Nitrided, post-oxidated or Chrome Plated

Chrome Thickness: 0.05mm

Surface Hardness: 55 HRC

Max. Diameter: 600mm

Max. Length: 10,000mm



Injection molding machine, die casting machine and forging machine, etc.


Manufacturing Process

Here is a comparison of the different manufacturing processes for nitrided and chrome plated tiebars. 

Tie bar 19 - Ningbo Jinyi Precision

tie bar - chrome plated

Frech D9C63468a-LR


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Ningbo Jinyi Precision Machinery Co., Ltd.

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3 year
Address: Ningbo, China
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