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Modern Style Sofa

3 year ago
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1 min year
Product details


Application: Home Office, Living Room, Bedroom, Hotel, Apartment, Office Building, Mall, Exterior, Hall, Home Bar, Home, Hotel,Living Room,Studio,Apartment,Villia
Feature: Classic
Material: Fabric & Genuine Leather
Design Style: Modern
Inflatable: No
Type: sofa table,sofa set,sofas on sale, sofa chair,Living Room Furniture
Style: Sectional Sofa
Brand Name: Duraplex
Mail packing: N
Place of Origin: Guangdong, China
Model Number: CH003
Company Type: Manufacturing Factory & Exporting
Main Market: Europe,North America,Asia,South Africa,UAE,South America
Order Type: OEM ODM Wholesale
Cover Material: 100% Polyester
Filling: Foam
Appearance: Modern

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Duraplex Limited

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Audited supplier
1 min
Address: Foshan, China

Main Product: Bathroom Vanity , Bathroom Cabinet , Kitchen Cabinet, Bathroom Mirror, Bathroom Basin, Ceramic Top

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