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Paper rewinding

3 year ago
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About this item

  • TAD Paper Towel rolls with Touch Free Dispensing helps Minimize Usage and helps Reduce the Risk of Cross Contamination
  • These High Capacity Paper Towel Reduces Maintenance Costs and the Risk of Running Out
  • Made of TAD Fabric Cloth Like Texture- that Provides a Superior Fast and Pleasant Hand Drying Experience and Super Absorption
  • These Towels Fit The Wall Mounted Automated Touch-Free Dispensers.
  • Package Dimensions: 21.1 x 15 x 10.7 inches

  • Hard Roll Paper Towels 10''*800ft 6olls per carton
  • Loading quantity: about 400 cartons per 20ft container, 1000 per 40ft HQ container

Hardwound Roll towel IMG_8432a

Tad Towels 5 JpgTad Towels 4s JpgTad Towels 6 Jpg

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Audited supplier
3 year
Address: Dongguan, China
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