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Rotary Shear Trimmer

3 year ago
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Product details

200m/Min Multi-Function Corrugated Line Rotary Shear Cutter

1. Die cutting, automatic selection of effective tools to ensure automatic trimming, slotting or shearing.

2. Fast cutting paperboard waste, paper head and paper tail, improve efficiency, reduce waste, reduce labor.
3. When changing the order, the chopping board is automatically broken, and the chopping board automatically enters the suction port.
4. The center of the plate is automatically slotted, and the plate is automatically cut up and down.
5. High quality die cutting anvil, alloy cutting tool, neat cutting, long service life.
6. Permanent magnet synchronous AC servo motor is compatible with AC servo controller to ensure high efficiency and accuracy of cutting.

7. Independent sealed electric cabinet, equipped with industrial air conditioning, dust-free, constant temperature and humidity, to ensure a longer service life of electrical components.
8. Ac servo control rapid waste disposal.
9. Standard 7-inch touch screen display, easy to operate.
10. The standard communication interface is convenient for linkage with the central management system to ensure automatic wire cutting / slotting / cutting when changing orders.
11. Design and manufacture according to CE standard.

The Rotary Shear Trimmer combines the precision of a shear trimmer with the efficiency of a rotary trimmer, making it a versatile tool for various cutting tasks. Whether you need to trim paper, fabric, or other materials, the Rotary Trimmer offers a smooth and accurate cutting experience. For those seeking a more specialized tool, the Shear Trimmer provides a shear-style cutting action that is ideal for precision work.

Web Size
Dimensions L x W x H (mm)
Weight (Ton)
Power (KW)

Automatic Rotary Shear Trimmer 4

Customer Cases
⭐Our machines have been export to over 40 countries.
⭐So far, we are having more than 3500 sucessful installations of corrugated line all over the world.
Q1: Where is your company?
A: Our factory is located in Foshan City, Guangdong Province, China.

Q2: How about the after-sale service?
For most of machines, engineers team provides solutions in the field of Mechanic/ Electric/ Operation.
TM online for 24 hours.
One year warranty period under normal use for most of machines.

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LLY PACK(foshan) Co.,Ltd.

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Audited supplier
3 year
Address: Foshan, China
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