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nurse call

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Product details

Two way talk wired emergency nurse call button

ETR 4 wires series nurse call system is designed for providing the communication between patients in wards and medical personnel in nurses offices in case of any peculiar conditions in hospitals. With cast-into-once deluxe plastic master telephone housing, innovative summary fixed mode, complete information electronic summary and audio number reporting system, it has higher performance-cost ration than those products of the same variety. Nurse call system consists of host, bed extension, corridor display, door lamp. Secondary host as well as optional modules (including broadcasting, music, bathroom extension) for realizing some peculiar functions. 

nurse call  408B50 13 


Size: 610*430*50mm
Install on the desk or hang wall of nurse station



Open-mounted or Embedded


Call, Reset.
Push-button Type and Pull-cord Type
Water proof, Emergency call for toilet and bathroom


indicate time and calling number, double side indicating.


Green light slowly twinkles when bed extension calling.
Red light quickly the twinkles when toilet extension calling.


Main Functions: 

1. Numbering function, can connect HIS system, computer, TV. (Optional model)
2. Two-way call and talkback.
3. Simultaneously max receive calls from 60 bed extensions and 10 toilet extensions.
4. Volume is adjustable, can set low-volume period (night).
5. Display Time & Date.
6. The times and rounds of host number-telling can be set freely.
7. Counting patient number and Inquiry calling record. (Optional model)
8. The host displays the call bed number, bathroom extension call number and voice report. (Optional model)

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Hunan Eter Medical Co., Ltd.

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Address: Changsha, China
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