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Our R41 palletizing robot is  a "pick and place" palletizer. This system is an automated machine that lifts drums from an in-feed conveyor and carries them to a designated pallet position then gently places them down.We can offer high-performance, automatic palletizing solutions which are an optimal and flexible palletizing system that ensure very high levels of versatility, quality and safety. Increase productivity and efficiency whilst reducing manual labor and operational costs.

The Robotic palletizer is applied to various cased or secondary packaged products for automatic conveying, tidy, and palletizing operations. Cases are transferred to differential conveyor and sorted by rotary conveying unit if necessary, arriving to the robot handling position. Depending on different structure of the robot hand, the package can be grasped, sucked or taking to pallet to achieve automatic stacking. It is flexible for different products application in packaging industry with PLC control system, accurate mechanism and sensitive proximate switches, the machine has the feature of stable, low malfunction rate;


Pick and place palletizer

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Rochiev Intelligent Equipment Co., Ltd.

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Address: Changchun, China
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