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Product details

Starch Glue For Corrugated Feature:

--- fast dry;
--- strong adhesion;
--- making carton and box stronger;
--- moisture resistance;
--- green and environment protection.
--- warranty: two years

Product structure:
White or yellowish powder, PH≥7, well soluble in water , can be used with caustic soda and borax

Glue Powder gum powder
Product introduction
Corn Starch Glue is mainly used on home-made and imported automatic and semi-automatic laminator.the product completely meets the requirements for export packing via sea transport and storage under moisture conditions. 


Materials :glue powder,caustic soda,borax

1.add 65kg water(normal tempreture) into the blender,

2.Then add 25kg glue powder,and stirring it to dissolve fully.

3.Take another container,add 10 kilograms of water,will be 2.1kg caustic soda.1kg of borax pour into the water,stir well,dissolve fully.

4.The caustic soda and borax solution put into the glue powder solution slowly,stirring evenly,dissolve fully,the can be used after wait 15 minutes.

ratio of rubber powder to water

Warm and Sweet reminders:
1.Sealed packaging bags. Glue Powder For Corrugated is recommended to cool and ventilation dry environment for storage , can be stored for 12-24 months.
2.  If the glue cannot be used up the same day , please cover the lid and sealed storage , then you can use after stirring the second days.
3.  Prior to the use of the machine, the user should be fully tested and practice, so as to avoid unnecessary losses.

1.Powder is easier to transport than the liquid glue
2.Fast mix with water and fast dry time on the paper tube
3.Strong adhesion
4.Easy to use,no need to heat
5.Environmental material,no smell
6.Weater fastness
7.Long time warranty:More than one year even two year if well store

Our services:
Meet customer requirements is the biggest driving force in enlin, providing customers with high quality products and perfect technical support and perfect service is our goal.
If you are interested in our products, please send inquiry to contact me!

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Zhengzhou Enlin Import And Export Trade Co., Ltd

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Address: Zhengzhou, China
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