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Leader Hardware Door Hinge - QC

3 year ago
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Door Hinges: A Brief Introduction

Door hinges are essential components of any door, enabling it to swing open and closed. They provide stability and support, ensuring smooth and controlled movement. A door hinge consists of two plates, one attached to the door and the other to the door frame, connected by a pin or rod. This allows the door to pivot on the hinge, facilitating easy opening and closing.

There are various types of Door hinges available, each with its own unique features and functions. The most common type is the butt hinge, which is widely used in residential and commercial applications. It is a simple hinge with two plates that are connected by a pin. Butt hinges are known for their durability and strength, making them suitable for heavy doors.

Another popular type is the continuous hinge, also known as a piano hinge. As the name suggests, it runs the entire length of the door, providing continuous support and stability. Continuous hinges are commonly used in high-traffic areas, such as schools and hospitals, where durability is crucial.

Concealed hinges, also called European hinges, are becoming increasingly popular due to their sleek and modern design. These hinges are hidden from view when the door is closed, creating a seamless and minimalist appearance. They are commonly used in kitchen cabinets and furniture.

Door hingesare typically made from various materials, including stainless steel, brass, and bronze. Stainless steel hinges are highly durable and resistant to corrosion, making them suitable for both indoor and outdoor applications. Brass and bronze hinges are known for their aesthetic appeal and are often used in decorative doors.

In conclusion, Door hinges play a vital role in the functionality and aesthetics of doors. They provide stability, support, and ease of movement. With various types and materials available, there is a door hinge suitable for every application. Whether it's a residential door or a commercial entrance, choosing the right hinge ensures a reliable and visually appealing solution.

Door Hinges Easy to installDoor Hinge 2Door Hinge 4Door Hinge 3

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Leader Hardware Manufacturer Limited

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Address: Jiangmen, China
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