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Product details

GL carb cleaner spray 450ml

GL Carb Cleaner Spray 450ml is an aerosol liquid in a tinplate can,is a cleaning agent in car care spray.Carb cleaner also known as auto parts cleaner and carburetor cleaner.Wide range of applications, effectively remove carbon deposits and reduce exhaust emissions.

The Role Of Carburetor Cleaner

Motorcycle Carburetor Cleaner:

1.Fast cleans carburetor choke,valve,holes,and other components.
2.Removes the dirt gelatine and char substance from inside and out side of the carburetor.
3.Also can be used for professional cleaning the machine accssories and in industrial area.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me, I will answer you, thank you!

【About MOQ】we only could arrange to send your guangzhou agent warehouse if order 【7500pieces 】only.
If we arrange Shipping,quantity required a container.
【About shipping】Because this is dangerous goods.we only arrange to shipping by full container through Sea.
【About Time of delivery】We will deliver within 25 days after confirming the design and packaging.
【About brand】We accept the customization of any Car Care Products of the customer's own brand.

Guangzhou Lidi Automobile Supplies Co., Ltd.

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Guangzhou Lidi Automobile Supplies Co., Ltd.

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Audited supplier
2 year
Address: Guangzhou, China
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