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DST-2 Waffle cone maker

2 year ago
61 0
Product details

Welcome to Pro-taylor! We are a professional manufacturer for refrigeration equipments: ice cream machine, popsicle machine, ice maker, slush machine, and relative heating products: ice cream cone machine, waffle baker, popcorn machine. We have a wide range of products to meet the ice cream/catering/food business. 

Product Feature:

1.Fast baking speed: 1-2 mins, high production.
2. Easy to operate, easy for cleaning.
3. Basic cone shapes: cup, horn, torch shapes with different size for choice.
4. Other different cone moulds can be customized, your brand name caving on each cone is possible.
5.Made of stainless steel base + cast iron/aluminum cone mold, high quality food grade materials.
6.High efficiency, low noise, high capacity with low power.
7.Different quantities of molds can be customized. 
8.Cheap price, specialized in ice cream cones and ice cream machine production.

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Audited supplier
3 year
Address: Jiangmen, China
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