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Huai'an Sur Hydraulic Technology Co., Ltd

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Huai'an Sur Hydraulic Technology Co., Ltd is a manufacturer specializing in small and medium-sized DC and AC hydraulic systems. Its products are widely used in environmental sanitation, lifting platforms, new energy, special vehicle modification and other industries.

Especially in the sanitation industry, it has a research and development foundation of about ten years. Among them, the company's wireless remote control hydraulic system for sanitation tailgate trucks, 144V new energy sanitation series hydraulics, 310V new energy sanitation hydraulics, and 72V/48V sweeper series hydraulic systems are widely used in Major sanitation manufacturers have also become the brands designated by the government for procurement in the sanitation industry.

At the same time, our company has a professional design team that accepts various customized hydraulic systems and valve groups. The company adheres to the principle of being honest and doing things with heart, and sincerely cooperates with every customer.

Company Info

Business Type :
Product Range :
Hydraulic Valves,Other Hydraulic Parts
Products/Service :
Hydraulic Power Unit, Hydraulic Valve Block, Hydraulic Solenoid Valve, Hydraulic Solenoid Valve Group, New Energy Power Source, New Energy Hydraulic Power Unit
Total Employees :
> 5~50
Capital (Million USS) :
Year Established :
Certificate :
Company Address :
Huaian, Jiangsu, China
Website :
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Huai'an Sur Hydraulic Technology Co., Ltd
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