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Trumony Aluminum Limited

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Trumony Aluminum Limited which was founded in 2017 is headquartered in Suzhou, a traditional cultural and commercial hub. "Helping technology get off the ground and helping customers succeed" is its mission. "Adhering to the concept of green development and continuously contributing to the global carbon neutrality goal" is its long-term vision. Customer-centric, striver-oriented, embracing change based on tradition, and harmoniously developing, are the values that Trumony always sticks to. Trumony has 100,000 square meters of standard workshops and high-standard testing centers and laboratories, which have passed ISO9001, TS16949 quality management systems respectively. Trumony brings real value to customers with lean production management, strict and stable quality system and consultative market service. Trumony mainly provides customers with thermal management related services and products. Its services include battery thermal management solutions, liquid cooling system development, liquid cooling system design, liquid cooling materials, liquid cooling components, and liquid cooling assemblies. For products mainly include liquid-cooling components for power battery packs,liquid-cooling components for energy storage battery packs, liquid-cooling components for high heat flux density heat exchange, and new liquid-cooling heat exchange components. These products are matched for many domestic users and exported to 56 countries and regions such as Europe, America, the Middle East, Southeast Asia, and Russia.

Company Info

Business Type :
Manufacturer , Trade Company , Service
Product Range :
Aluminum Sheets,Other Body Parts,Other Cooling Systems
Products/Service :
Aluminum Water Cooling Plate , Liquid Cold tube, Aluminum Sheet, Microchannel Tube, Aluminum Stamping Plate, Battery Pack Thermal Simulation
Total Employees :
> 201~500
Capital (Million USS) :
30 Millions RMB
Year Established :
Certificate :
CE , ISO9001 , ISO/TS16949 , RoHS
Company Address :
Suzhou, Jiangsu, China
Website : , , , , ,
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Trumony Aluminum Limited
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