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Wuxi Yacai Precision Machinery Co., Ltd

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Wuxi Yacai Precision Machinery Co., Ltd. is located on the beautiful bank of the Taihu Lake Lake. Our products have excellent quality and favorable prices. We adhere to the management principle of "quality first, service first, continuous improvement and innovation, and customer satisfaction", with the quality goal of "zero defects, zero complaints". In order to improve our service, we provide high-quality products at reasonable prices. Our consistent goal is to provide customers with the most comprehensive range of high-quality metal and plastic, metric and inch standard machine components and assembly hardware in the market. Standard machine components not only save time and reduce equipment costs, but also improve equipment design and functionality. Let us help you design, build, and deliver faster than your competitors. Through our internal processing facilities, we provide complete secondary processing of standard machine components, as well as special customized components. We welcome customers' investment and ideas on various components, as the many special machine components we have manufactured in the past have given us the opportunity to develop today's standards. We would like to thank all customers for their past and future support. We look forward to our future mutual growth

Company Info

Business Type :
Manufacturer , Service
Product Range :
Other Machine Tools Accessories
Products/Service :
Mechanical accessories, Cable Drag Chain, Plastic Drag Chain, Steel Cable Drag Chain, Drag Link Chain, Stainless Steel Drag Chain
Total Employees :
> 101~200
Capital (Million USS) :
Year Established :
Certificate :
Company Address :
Wuxi, Jiangsu, China
Website :
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Wuxi Yacai Precision Machinery Co., Ltd
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