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concrete with PCE

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Product details

Product Description

PCE is a polycarboxylate ether powder with high water reducing rate and low air entrainment. This product is used as superplasticizer or dispersant in various gypsum-based or cement-based formulations due to its excellent formula adaptabilityThe product is environmentally friendly, non-flammable, non-explosive, and can be safely transported by train and truck.

Our main products also include mother liquid, fibers, monomer, defoamer and so on for concrete formula.

Product Characteristics

1. Up to 35% water reduction.
2. Improves workability.
3. Higher strength achieved more economically.
4. Lower permeability.
5. Higher flexural strength.
6. Reduces concrete segregation.

Typical Spec        

Appearance White or Yellowish Powder
Moisture Content(%)  3
Bulk Density(g/l)  400-700
PH Value 7-9
Water Reduction Rate of Concrete(%)   25

Mainly Application

Hydraulic Engineering, Electric Powder, Railways, Marine Engineering, Highways, Civil Construction and other concrete casting, its mainly used in all kinds of dry mixed mortar, grouting materials, gypsum and ceramic products.

Packing and Storage

25KG/BAG with PE inner. Storage and transportation should be carried out in cool and dry place. Under high temperature and humidity conditions, measures such as moisture and pressure must be taken to avoid clumping or caking. Unused products must be kept sealed to prevent moisture intrusion.


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Santo Chemical Limited

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Audited supplier
5 month
Address: Linyi, China
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