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Best price Honey/peach/tobacco flavoring Plant extract CAS 101-97-3 Ethyl phenylacetate1

2 year ago
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Product details

Product name
Ethyl phenylacetate
Cas no.
1.03 g/mL at 25 °C(lit.)
Used for preparing various flower - scented daily essence

Q: When will my goods be shipped? A:About 3-5 days after prepayment is done.

Q: Can I get a sample? A: Free samples are available, but buyers needs to pay freight.

Q: How long does it take for me to get a sample? A: It depends. Generally speaking, it is about 7-10 days. 

Q: why is the quote offered different from the sticker price? A: As we know, prices of chemicals are not fixed, they fluctuate with the markets. 

Q: Is the quality of your products guaranteed? A: We have a professional R&D team, so every batch of our products is up to standard.

1. With a seasoned R&D team, we are experienced in producing multiple chemicals over the past ten years. 

2. Tailor-made packing can also be available according to your specific requirment. 

3. Fast response. Every inquiry will be answered within 24 hours 

4. Prompt delivery. We have worked with many forwarding companies for years. 

5. Good quality, we have a strict quality control system.

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Wuxi Volksky New Materials Co.,Ltd.

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Audited supplier
2 year
Address: Wuxi, China
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